It is possible to use cards from more than two nations during a match by using specific cards. This is not considered cheating, it is a distinctive feature of these cards and is in line with game rules and regular gameplay mechanics.
There are some cards specifically that are noteworthy for these mechanics, such as ATLANTIC CONVOY, NIGHT RAID, AGENCY AFRICA and JU 88 G6.
The British order ATLANTIC CONVOY adds one random US unit with cost 3 or less to the support line and another to hand. This means that even if you don’t have the US as a major or ally nation in your deck, you will still be able to gain US units through use of this order.
ATLANTIC CONVOY is a card of special rarity. This means that you can have up to two of these orders, and therefore can receive four US cards in total.
The British order NIGHT RAID copies a random order from the enemy deck, and adds a No. 10 COMMANDO to the support line. The first part of this order means that a random order is copied from your opponent’s deck regardless of the nation. As such, you can receive an order from a nation different from the main and ally nations of your deck.
NIGHT RAID is a card of special rarity. This means that you can play up to two of these orders and receive two cards from other nations.
The Polish order AGENCY AFRICA adds to hand a copy of a random known card in the opponent’s hand. This means that you may get cards into your hand from a nation different from the main and ally nations of your deck.
AGENCY AFRICA is a card of special rarity. This means that you can get up to two such cards copied from the opponent’s hand into your hand.
JU 88 G6
The JU 88 G6 is a German fighter with the special ability that when the JU 88 G6 destroys a unit, a copy of the destroyed unit is added to your hand. This means that by destroying units with this card, you can receive units into your hand from a nation other than the main and ally nations of your deck.
JU 88 G6 is a card of special rarity. It has 4 attack, 6 defense, costs 5 kredits to play and 2 kredits to operate. This means that you can play two JU 88 G6 units and potentially gain several cards from a different nation to your hand throughout the match, depending on how successful the units are in battle.