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Cards are the foundation of KARDS.

You start with a limited collection of cards which you then expand over time by acquiring stronger or more specialized cards. 

You can gain cards either directly as in-game reward, by creating cards, or by purchasing and opening new packs (either with in-game gold or with the real money currency, diamonds). 

Around 800 different cards exist within KARDS. The vast majority of these cards are collectible, and some can be spawned in battle through use of some of the collectible cards.


Card rarity

There are four different card rarities in KARDS:

  • Standard
  • Limited
  • Special
  • Elite

Standard cards are the most common while Elite cards are the rarest cards. You can have 4 copies of Standard rarity cards in your deck, 3 copies of Limited rarity cards, 2 copies of Special rarity cards, and 1 copy of Elite rarity cards.


Card types

There are three main types of cards in KARDS:

Cards representing a deployable element on the battlefield are called Units.

Cards that trigger a one-time effect and are then discarded are called Orders.

Cards that can be activated to cancel out opponent Orders are called Countermeasures.


Info on cards

There are two different views of cards. One is the static view (e.g. in the card collection), the other one is the battle view when the card is on the battlefield.


Static View

Each card contains valuable information, such as deployment and operations costs, stats, abilities, and rarity.



Cost and unit info

The header section of a card contains information about the deployment costs, operation costs, the unit’s name, and the nation that owns this unit.


Note that Orders and Countermeasures do not have operational costs.


Unit stats

Each unit has an attack and defense value expressed as in whole numbers (no fractions or decimals). These values can change throughout a battle.


Once the defense value of a unit has dropped to zero (or below), the unit is destroyed and will be removed from the battlefield.


Unit abilities

A unit can have one or more special abilities, as well as keywords and deployment effects. Additionally, units can have triggers.


Triggers and their effects are described on the card.


Battlefield view

Once a card has been placed on the battlefield, the view slightly changes and focuses on the most important aspects: attack, defense, and operation cost.


The operation cost shows how many Kredits it costs to move this unit or attack with it.


Color coding

The operation costs on a card indicate if you can use it this turn or not.


op_cost_available.png Yellow means that you have enough Kredits to use that card, and that it is available for action.

op_cost_unavailable.png Grey means that you cannot use that card. You may not have the required Kredits, or you already used that card and cannot use it again.


The attack and defense indicate if a card has stats above or below the base stats:


buffed_attack.png Green means that the value is above the card's base value (e.g. the unit has been buffed). Hover over the card to get a tooltip which shows the reasons for the buff.

attack_unbuffed.png Grey means that the value equals the card’s base value.

defense_damaged.png Red means that the value is below the card’s base value (e.g. the unit has been damaged.)


The trigger icon indicates that this card can trigger some event. Hover over the card to get more details.

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