Units with Heavy Armor receive less damage when attacked by other units. Units can have either Heavy Armor 1 or 2, which reduces the damage received by 1 or 2, respectively.
How it works
If a unit with Heavy Armor 1 is attacked by another unit, the attacked unit receives one less damage from the attacker. Similarly, if a unit with Heavy Armor 2 is attacked by another unit, the attacked unit receives two less damage from the attacker. These are passive abilities and apply automatically.
Heavy Armor is available on some tank and air units.
Be aware that damage from orders is not affected by Heavy Armor and will count to its full extent.
The German unit STUG III-G ignores Heavy Armor and deals full damage.
How to identify Heavy Armor units
Heavy Armor units can be identified by the little shield next to the unit on the battlefield, with either a “1” for Heavy Armor 1, or “2” for Heavy Armor 2.
Alternatively, if you look at the card you will see the word "Heavy Armor 1" or “Heavy Armor 2” written beneath its image.
The story behind Heavy Armor
Increasing the armor on a unit to increase its chance of survival on the battlefield is as old as mankind itself. In modern times, we have seen an increased use of heavy armor with great success. This success, however, comes usually at a cost: Increased production cost and time, as well as higher operational cost such as fuel consumption and general maintenance. These drawbacks are represented in KARDS by deployment and operational costs.
Heavy Armor 2 represents ultra-heavy armor. Following the development of increasingly stronger armor in order to survive enemy fire, the construction of ultra-heavy armor was only a logical consequence. However, due to the extremely high costs, both in production and logistics, we see only very few units that have been armored to such a degree. The excessively high costs for such ultra-heavy armor is represented in KARDS by very high deployment and operation costs.